Price: $79.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Multi-Colored
Nothing turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary day like a luxurious bouquet! A lovely surprise no matter the occasion, this grand, gorgeous blend of hydrangea, roses and lilies is hand-delivered in our exclusive pink glass vase. Nothing turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary day like a luxurious bouquet! A lovely surprise no matter the occasion, this grand, gorgeous blend of hydrangea, roses and lilies is hand-delivered in our exclusive pink glass vase. Nothing turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary day like a luxurious bouquet! A lovely surprise no matter the occasion, this grand, gorgeous blend of hydrangea, roses and lilies is hand-delivered in our exclusive pink glass vase. Surprise them with this bouquet of green hydrangea, lavender roses, crme spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, miniature peach gerberas, pink alstroemeria, light pink carnations, lavender limonium and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's pink Bunch vase. Surprise them with this bouquet of green hydrangea,
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