Be Happy® Bouquet With Roses | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Yellow | Teleflora

Be Happy® Bouquet With Roses | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Yellow | Teleflora

Price: $44.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Yellow

When you're looking to make someone smile, this happy face mug of roses and daisies is tops. Sure to cheer up everyone from a beloved wife to a busy boss, these are also great flowers for kids. When you're looking to make someone smile, this happy face mug of roses and daisies is tops. Sure to cheer up everyone from a beloved wife to a busy boss, these are also great flowers for kids. When you're looking to make someone smile, this happy face mug of roses and daisies is tops. Sure to cheer up everyone from a beloved wife to a busy boss, these are also great flowers for kids. Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in Teleflora's one and only yellow happy face, Be Happy mug. Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in Teleflora's one and only yellow happy face, Be Happy mug. Yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums

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