Blossoming Petals Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Blossoming Petals Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $49.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Multi-Colored

Brighten someone's day with our Blossoming Petals bouquet, beautifully arranged in a charming ceramic teacup. This delightful arrangement features a lovely mix of vibrant blooms in soft pastel shades, bringing a touch of cheer to any occasion. Brighten someone's day with our Blossoming Petals bouquet, beautifully arranged in a charming ceramic teacup. This delightful arrangement features a lovely mix of vibrant blooms in soft pastel shades, bringing a touch of cheer to any occasion. Brighten someone's day with our Blossoming Petals bouquet, beautifully arranged in a charming ceramic teacup. This delightful arrangement features a lovely mix of vibrant blooms in soft pastel shades, bringing a touch of cheer to any occasion. Celebrate with a delightful arrangement of pink roses, pink spray roses, and white spray roses, complemented by soft pink limonium and pitta negra. Teleflora's Blossoming Petals Bouquet is beautifully presented in Teleflora's Victorian Teacup. Celebrate with a delightful arrangement of pink

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