Blushing Lilies Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Blushing Lilies Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

Send this blushing beauty of perfectly pink lilies and light pink carnations arranged in our charming french country pot-the perfect gift to ring in spring! Send this blushing beauty of perfectly pink lilies, light pink roses and carnations arranged in our charming french country pot-the perfect gift to ring in spring! Send this blushing beauty of perfectly pink lilies, light pink roses and carnations arranged in our charming french country pot-the perfect gift to ring in spring! Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice. Delivered in Teleflora's large French Country Pot. Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink spray roses and carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice. Delivered in Teleflora's large French Country Pot. Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink spray roses and carnations, variegated

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