Breathless Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Breathless Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $84.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Multi-Colored

When we say it will leave her breathless, we're not exaggerating. She'll be swept away by the lush lavender roses, white orchid and other fabulous favorites in a Silver Reflections vase. Go all-out for style with this stunning silver vase filled with lavender roses and other lush blooms, and crowned by a snow-white orchid. She'll appreciate your impeccable taste and love the way you show your love for her. Go all-out for style with this stunning silver vase filled with lavender roses and other lush blooms, and crowned by a snow-white orchid. She'll appreciate your impeccable taste and love the way you show your love for her. The exquisite bouquet includes a white cymbidium orchid, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, white lisianthus, purple tulips and white stock accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a Silver Reflections vase. The elegant bouquet includes a white cymbidium orchid, lavender hydrangea, lavender roses, white lisianthus, purple tulips and white stock accented with fresh greenery. Delivered

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