Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: White
Elegant and stylish, this monochromatic white rose bouquet is elevated by a frosted glass vase featuring a sculpted design and a shimmering faux mercury glass finish. Elegant and stylish, this monochromatic white rose bouquet is elevated by a frosted glass vase featuring a sculpted design and a shimmering faux mercury glass finish. Elegant and stylish, this monochromatic white rose bouquet is elevated by a frosted glass vase featuring a sculpted design and a shimmering faux mercury glass finish. This bouquet showcases a beautiful all-white palette with roses, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, button spray chrysanthemums, sinuata statice, and limonium, enhanced by dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Teleflora's Chic Charm Bouquet is elegantly arranged in Teleflora's Dream In Color Vase, creating a striking addition to any home dcor. This bouquet showcases a beautiful all-white palette with roses, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, button spray chrysanthemums, sinuata statice, and limonium, enhanced by dusty
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