Classic Contemporary Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Classic Contemporary Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

Sleek meets sweet! This modern arrangement pairs a sculptural succulent with soft blooms in a retro-style ceramic planter with wooden base that your recipient will love. Sleek meets sweet! This modern arrangement pairs a sculptural succulent with soft blooms in a retro-style ceramic planter with wooden base that your recipient will love. Sleek meets sweet! This modern arrangement pairs a sculptural succulent with soft blooms in a retro-style ceramic planter with wooden base that your recipient will love. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature peach carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with leatherleaf fern, seeded eucalyptus and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in Teleflora's Classic Contemporary planter. Peach roses, white asiatic lilies, miniature peach carnations and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with leatherleaf fern, seeded eucalyptus and a large green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in Teleflora's Classic Contemporary planter.

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