Price: $129.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Make a statement! This lush arrangement of hot pink roses and gracefully trailing ivy can be a fabulously romantic gift, or a fun-filled gift for a girlfriend. Make a statement! This lush arrangement of hot pink roses and gracefully trailing ivy can be a fabulously romantic gift, or a fun-filled gift for a girlfriend. Make a statement! This lush arrangement of hot pink and red roses and gracefully trailing ivy can be a fabulously romantic gift, or a fun-filled gift for a girlfriend. Eighteen hot pink roses rise elegantly above dense greenery including ivy, pitta negra and salal.Delivered in a classic footed flared vase. Twenty-four hot pink roses rise elegantly above dense greenery including ivy, pitta negra and salal.Delivered in a classic footed flared vase. Fifteen hot pink roses and fifteen red roses rise elegantly above dense greenery including ivy, pitta negra and salal.Delivered in a classic footed flared vase. Orientation: All-Around . Eighteen hot pink roses rise elegantly above dense greenery
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