Price: $64.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Orange
A bouquet that's as lovely as the season. Orange roses and stunning gladioli fill our elegant mercury glass bowl for a marvelous centerpiece. A bouquet that's as lovely as the season. A plentiful arrangement of orange roses and gladioli fills our elegant mercury glass bowl for a marvelous centerpiece. A bouquet that's as lovely as the season. A plentiful arrangement of orange roses and gladioli fills our elegant mercury glass bowl for a marvelous centerpiece. This exquisite bouquet includes orange roses, orange gladioli and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in a Teleflora mercury glass bowl. This exquisite bouquet includes orange roses, orange gladioli and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in a Teleflora mercury glass bowl. This exquisite bouquet includes orange roses, orange gladioli and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greens. Delivered in a Teleflora mercury glass bowl. Orientation:
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