Enchanted Cottage Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Enchanted Cottage Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $54.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Sympathy Bouquets

This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! As enchanting as coming across a hidden cottage in the countryside! Lush white roses and purple stock mix with delicate lavender waxflower and green pitta negra for an elegant English garden look. The decorative bouquet is finished with a pretty satin ribbon. As enchanting as coming across a hidden cottage in the countryside! Lush white roses and purple stock mix with delicate lavender waxflower and green pitta negra for an elegant English garden look. The decorative bouquet is finished with a pretty satin ribbon. White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrapped with purple ribbon. White roses meet lavender stock and waxflower in this lush, elegant arrangement.Presented in a classic clear glass vase with purple satin ribbon. White roses meet lavender stock

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