Price: $74.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Red
Proclaim your eternal love with this breathtaking bouquet! One dozen resplendent red roses, gathered with alluring greens in a classic glass vase, is a romantic gift she won't soon forget. Proclaim your eternal love with this breathtaking bouquet! One and a half dozen resplendent red roses, gathered with alluring greens in a classic glass vase, is a romantic gift she won't soon forget. Proclaim your eternal love with this breathtaking bouquet! Two dozen resplendent red roses, gathered with alluring greens in a classic glass vase, is a romantic gift she won't soon forget. This bouquet features 12 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase. This bouquet features 18 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase. This bouquet features 24 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear glass vase. Orientation: All-Around . This bouquet features 12 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and
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