Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Proclaim your affection with this fabulous fuchsia bouquet! A luxurious mix of lilies, roses and stock, this gorgeous gift is delivered in a modern pink vase. Proclaim your affection with this fabulous fuchsia bouquet! A luxurious mix of lilies, roses and stock, this gorgeous gift is delivered in a modern pink vase. Proclaim your affection with this fabulous fuchsia bouquet! A luxurious mix of lilies, roses and stock, this gorgeous gift is delivered in a modern pink vase. This stunning bouquet features pink oriental lilies, hot pink roses, pink carnations, fuchsia stock, light pink spray roses, pink heather, lemon leaf, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and a small green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase. This stunning bouquet features pink oriental lilies, hot pink roses, pink carnations, fuchsia stock, light pink spray roses, pink heather, lemon leaf, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, and a small green potted echeveria succulent. Delivered in a raspberry tapered vase. This
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