Forever Our Angel Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Forever Our Angel Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Price: $109.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Red

This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life. Elegant and emotional, this touching arrangement of rich red roses with delicate greens surrounds a peaceful porcelain angel sculpture keepsake. Elegant and emotional, this touching arrangement of rich red roses with delicate greens surrounds a peaceful porcelain angel sculpture keepsake. This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace Keepsake. This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace Keepsake. This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace Keepsake. Orientation: One-Sided . This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus,

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