Garden Oasis Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Garden Oasis Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $64.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

This super chic, mid-mod masterpiece pairs a luxe living succulent with lush blooms in a stylish keepsake planter, two gorgeous gifts in one! This super chic, mid-mod masterpiece pairs a luxe living succulent with lush blooms in a stylish keepsake planter, two gorgeous gifts in one! This super chic, mid-mod masterpiece pairs a luxe living succulent with lush blooms in a stylish keepsake planter, two gorgeous gifts in one! This gorgeous bouquet includes lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender miniature carnations, white stock, pitta negra, dusty miller, and a large echeveria succulent plant. Delivered in Teleflora's Mid Mod Geometric Planter. This gorgeous bouquet includes lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender miniature carnations, white stock, pitta negra, dusty miller, and a large echeveria succulent plant. Delivered in Teleflora's Mid Mod Geometric Planter. This gorgeous bouquet includes lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender miniature carnations, white stock, pitta negra, dusty

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