Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Price: $99.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

Blissful. Beautiful. A brilliant choice of wedding colors. Pink and green weddings are very chic indeed, requiring a centerpiece that is above and beyond. And this one is! A gorgeous garden of dazzling pink and green wedding flowers arranged in a Mercury Glass Bowl is sure to delight. Just say "I do," and we'll deliver! Pretty in pink hydrangea and roses, light pink spray roses and fresh green carnations are accented by buplerum and graceful fern and delivered in an exclusive silvery Mercury Glass Bowl. Orientation: All-Around . Pretty in pink hydrangea and roses, light pink spray roses and fresh green carnations are accented by buplerum and graceful fern and delivered in an exclusive silvery Mercury Glass Bowl. Orientation: All-Around . Teleflora Garden Rhapsody Centerpiece - Green - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

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