Price: $54.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Multi-Colored
A fabulous centerpiece for any fall occasion, Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane shimmers and shines within a lush arrangement of roses and lilies. A fabulous centerpiece for any fall occasion, Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane shimmers and shines within a lush arrangement of roses and lilies. A fabulous centerpiece for any fall occasion, Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane shimmers and shines within a lush arrangement of roses and lilies. This beautiful arrangement features yellow roses, peach asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, bronze cushion chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, huckleberry and orange berries. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass hurricane. This beautiful arrangement features yellow roses, peach asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, bronze cushion chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, huckleberry and orange berries. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass hurricane. This beautiful arrangement features yellow roses, peach asiatic
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