Price: $99.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Sympathy Bouquets
A unique take on the traditional topiary, this modern arrangement of graceful calla lilies among tropical leaves is a grand gesture indeed. Presented in a natural bamboo dish, it's both soft and strong - perfect for women and men alike. A unique take on the traditional topiary, this modern arrangement of graceful calla lilies among tropical leaves is a grand gesture indeed. Presented in a natural bamboo dish, it's both soft and strong - perfect for women and men alike. A unique take on the traditional topiary, this modern arrangement of graceful calla lilies among tropical leaves is a grand gesture indeed. Presented in a natural bamboo dish, it's both soft and strong - perfect for women and men alike. Two white calla lilies are mixed with kale, aspidistra, brown flax, pitta negra and galax leaves in a natural bamboo dish. Two white calla lilies are mixed with kale, aspidistra, brown flax, pitta negra and galax leaves in a natural bamboo dish. Two white calla lilies are mixed with kale, aspidistra, brown
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