Haute Pink Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Haute Pink Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Price: $194.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

Spoil them rotten with this heavenly, high-fashion rose creation! Ravishing roses in every shade of pink create a grand gift that will live in their heart forever. Spoil them rotten with this heavenly, high-fashion rose creation! Ravishing roses in every shade of pink create a grand gift that will live in their heart forever. Spoil them rotten with this heavenly, high-fashion rose creation! Ravishing roses in every shade of pink create a grand gift that will live in their heart forever. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and variegated aspidistra leaves. Delivered in a large glass cylinder vase. This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, lavender roses, pink roses, hot pink spray roses, light pink spray roses, pink lisianthus, dusty miller, huckleberry, sword fern, seeded eucalyptus, lemon

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