Hidden Garden Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Hidden Garden Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $49.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Multi-Colored

This neutral matte white keepsake lends an organic feel to this extraordinary jewel-toned bouquet of blooms and succulents! This neutral matte white keepsake lends an organic feel to this extraordinary jewel-toned bouquet of blooms and succulents! This neutral matte white keepsake lends an organic feel to this extraordinary jewel-toned bouquet of blooms and succulents! Lavender roses, soft peach carnations, purple sinuata statice all pair organically with an echeveria succulent. Delivered in a matte white Savannah Jar. Lavender roses, soft peach carnations, purple sinuata statice all pair organically with an echeveria succulent. Delivered in a matte white Savannah Jar. Lavender roses, soft peach carnations, purple sinuata statice all pair organically with an echeveria succulent. Delivered in a matte white Savannah Jar. Orientation: All-Around . Lavender roses, soft peach carnations, purple sinuata statice all pair organically with an echeveria succulent. Delivered in a matte white Savannah Jar. Lavender

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