Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: White
Send Holly Jolly cheer! Peppermint-striped ribbon and silver ornament balls add a festive sparkle to roses and winter greens arranged around Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane. Send Holly Jolly cheer! Peppermint-striped ribbon and silver ornament balls add a festive sparkle to roses and winter greens arranged around Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane. Send Holly Jolly cheer! Peppermint-striped ribbon and silver ornament balls add a festive sparkle to roses and winter greens arranged around Teleflora's elegant mercury glass hurricane. This holiday centerpiece features an arrangement of red spray roses, red carnations, white button chrysanthemums, variegated holly, noble fir and white pine accented with silver ornament balls and striped ribbon. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive silver Mercury Glass hurricane. This holiday centerpiece features an arrangement of red spray roses, red carnations, white button chrysanthemums, variegated holly, noble fir and white pine accented with silver
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