Joy Of Light Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Joy Of Light Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $69.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

The crystal cross is nestled elegantly among red and white blooms, this keepsake brings joy and light to your special occasion. The crystal cross is nestled elegantly among red and white blooms, this keepsake brings joy and light to your special occasion. The crystal cross is nestled elegantly among red and white blooms, this keepsake brings joy and light to your special occasion. Red roses, white spray roses, red miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are adorned with white limonium, varigated pittosporum, noble fir, and cedar. Delivered with Teleflora's Crystal Cross Keepsake. Red roses, white spray roses, red miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are adorned with white limonium, varigated pittosporum, noble fir, and cedar. Delivered with Teleflora's Crystal Cross Keepsake. Red roses, white spray roses, red miniature carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums are adorned with white limonium, varigated pittosporum, noble fir, and cedar. Delivered with Teleflora's

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