Joyful Jubilee Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Joyful Jubilee Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Pink | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

A joyful jubilee of lots (and lots!) of flowers. From hot pink roses to purple daisies to dark pink Sweet William, this colorful collection of blooms is a birthday favorite! This bouquet speaks the language of love with rare eloquence. Hot pink roses, hot pink gerberas and other fabulous favorites beautifully arranged in a lavender Serendipity vase - your message of love will come through loud and clear. If Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" were expressed in flowers, this exuberant bouquet would be the ravishing result. Lush hot pink roses and gerberas, along with purple asters and other classic flowers in a lavender Serendipity vase. She'll sing your praises. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas are mixed with dark pink Sweet William, purple asters and variegated pittosporum.Hand-arranged in Teleflora's lavender Serendipity vase that's tied with a bow. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas are mixed with dark pink Sweet William, purple asters and variegated pittosporum.Hand-arranged in Teleflora's lavender Serendipity vase

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