Price: $39.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Multi-Colored
Imagine how tickled she'll be when this sweet bouquet comes her way! Arranged in our shimmering Silver Reflections vase - a gift she'll adore for years to come - this cheerful mix of hot pink carnations and crisp white daisies is a bright reminder of how much you care. Imagine how tickled she'll be when this sweet bouquet comes her way! Arranged in our shimmering Silver Reflections vase - a gift she'll adore for years to come - this cheerful mix of golden lilies and crisp white daisies is a bright reminder of how much you care. Imagine how tickled she'll be when this sweet bouquet comes her way! Arranged in our shimmering Silver Reflections vase - a gift she'll adore for years to come - this cheerful mix of peach roses, golden lilies and crisp white daisies is a bright reminder of how much you care. Beautiful hot pink carnations and miniature carnations, white daisy chrysanthemums and yellow button chrysanthemums are arranged with fresh huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in a Teleflora Silver Reflections
Buy nowOther Websites: Cyltr | Dog Food Plan