Keep Trucking Chevy Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Orange | Teleflora

Keep Trucking Chevy Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Orange | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Orange

Just keep truckin'! Send encouragement with this cheerful vintage Chevy keepsake, hand-glazed and filled with a beautiful bouquet of bright orange blooms. Just keep truckin'! Send encouragement with this cheerful vintage Chevy keepsake, hand-glazed and filled with a beautiful bouquet of bright orange blooms. Just keep truckin'! Send encouragement with this cheerful vintage Chevy keepsake, hand-glazed and filled with a beautiful bouquet of bright orange blooms. Orange roses, miniature orange carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, orange sinuata statice and green leucadendron are arranged with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Keepsake. Orange roses, miniature orange carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, orange sinuata statice and green leucadendron are arranged with dusty miller and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Chevy Pickup Keepsake. Orange roses, miniature orange carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, orange sinuata

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