Love Blossoms Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Love Blossoms Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Price: $69.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Red

Express your feelings boldly with this striking Valentine's Day bouquet of stunning red roses, elegantly arranged in a pearlescent glass vase featuring a captivating swirling design. Express your feelings boldly with this striking Valentine's Day bouquet of stunning red roses, elegantly arranged in a pearlescent glass vase featuring a captivating swirling design. Express your feelings boldly with this striking Valentine's Day bouquet of stunning red roses, elegantly arranged in a pearlescent glass vase featuring a captivating swirling design. This Valentine's Day arrangement features vibrant red roses, red spray roses, and rich red alstroemeria, along with charming red carnations. Accented with lemon leaf and huckleberry, Teleflora's Love Blossoms Bouquet is beautifully presented in Teleflora's Loving Swirls Vase. This Valentine's Day arrangement features vibrant red roses, red spray roses, and rich red alstroemeria, along with charming red carnations. Accented with lemon leaf and huckleberry, Teleflora's

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