Price: $49.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Make them blush! From the shapely grace of our exclusive pink plastic Serendipity vase, to the lush bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations that it holds, this special treat is a grand gift for any occasion, or just because! Make them blush! From the shapely grace of our exclusive pink plastic Serendipity vase, to the lush bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations that it holds, this special treat is a grand gift for any occasion, or just because! Make them blush! From the shapely grace of our exclusive pink plastic Serendipity vase, to the lush bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations that it holds, this special treat is a grand gift for any occasion, or just because! This pleasingly pink bouquet includes pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations, pink matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered in Teleflora's pink plastic Serendipity vase. This pleasingly pink bouquet includes pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink carnations,
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