Price: $94.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Sympathy Bouquets
Bring beauty to any occasion with the deep purples and playful pinks of this breathtaking bouquet. Bring beauty to any occasion with the deep purples and playful pinks of this breathtaking bouquet. Bring beauty to any occasion with the deep purples and playful pinks of this breathtaking bouquet. This magnificent bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender roses, crme spray roses, pink gerberas, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase. This magnificent bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender roses, crme spray roses, pink gerberas, lavender carnations, purple stock, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a clear milk jug vase. This magnificent bouquet features purple hydrangea, lavender
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