Price: $74.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Multi-Colored
Blushing pink roses and delicate white limonium add up to a feminine arrangement that's at once sweet and innocent - and fabulously flirty! Blushing pink roses and delicate white limonium add up to a feminine arrangement that's at once sweet and innocent - and fabulously flirty! Blushing pink roses and delicate white limonium add up to a feminine arrangement that's at once sweet and innocent - and fabulously flirty! One dozen pink roses are gathered with white limonium and rich green salal in a classic trumpet vase she'll use again and again. Eighteen pink roses are gathered with white limonium and rich green salal in a classic trumpet vase she'll use again and again. Two dozen pink roses are gathered with white limonium and rich green salal in a classic trumpet vase she'll use again and again. Orientation: All-Around . One dozen pink roses are gathered with white limonium and rich green salal in a classic trumpet vase she'll use again and again. Eighteen pink roses are gathered with white limonium and rich
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