Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Red
Illuminate your holiday festivities with this enchanting Christmas bouquet, elegantly arranged in a red glass lantern. Later, it doubles as a beautiful candleholder, bringing a warm and festive glow to your home dcor. Illuminate your holiday festivities with this enchanting Christmas bouquet, elegantly arranged in a red glass lantern. Later, it doubles as a beautiful candleholder, bringing a warm and festive glow to your home dcor. Illuminate your holiday festivities with this enchanting Christmas bouquet, elegantly arranged in a red glass lantern. Later, it doubles as a beautiful candleholder, bringing a warm and festive glow to your home dcor. Teleflora's Merry Glow Bouquet showcases maroon carnations, miniature red carnations, variegated holly, dusty miller, noble fir, and cedar, accented with festive flair. Delivered in Teleflora's Merry Glow Lantern, it brings warmth and elegance to holiday celebrations. Teleflora's Merry Glow Bouquet showcases maroon carnations, miniature red carnations, variegated
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