Ocean Devotion Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Ocean Devotion Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $69.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Sympathy Bouquets

As refreshing as an ocean spray. Sea blue hydrangea meet a wave of white snapdragons and dahlias in this ocean-inspired bouquet. As refreshing as an ocean spray. Sea blue hydrangea meet a wave of white snapdragons and dahlias in this ocean-inspired bouquet. As refreshing as an ocean spray. Sea blue hydrangea meet a wave of white snapdragons and dahlias in this ocean-inspired bouquet. Blue, white and green flowers including blue hydrangea, white dahlias, white snapdragons, pale green roses and green button mums are arranged in a cobalt blue glass vase. Blue, white and green flowers including blue hydrangea, white dahlias, white snapdragons, pale green roses and green button mums are arranged in a cobalt blue glass vase. Blue, white and green flowers including blue hydrangea, white dahlias, white snapdragons, pale green roses and green button mums are arranged in a cobalt blue glass vase. Orientation: All-Around . Blue, white and green flowers including blue hydrangea, white dahlias, white snapdragons, pale

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