Price: $64.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She'll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift - and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others! Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She'll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift - and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others! Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She'll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift - and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others! Send this featured bouquet and Teleflora will donate 15% of the purchase price to support the vital work of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The lovely bouquet includes pink roses, pink spray roses, hot pink carnations and soft pink alstroemeria
Buy nowOther Websites: Cyltr | Dog Food Plan