Price: $54.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Make their day sparkle with this fabulously feminine bouquet in a shimmering pink glass vase with chic sculpted design and frosted, faux mercury glass finish. Make their day sparkle with this fabulously feminine bouquet in a shimmering pink glass vase with chic sculpted design and frosted, faux mercury glass finish. Make their day sparkle with this fabulously feminine bouquet in a shimmering pink glass vase with chic sculpted design and frosted, faux mercury glass finish. This arrangement features hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, dark pink alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Teleflora's Pink Sparkles Bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Pretty Love Vase. This arrangement features hot pink roses, light pink spray roses, dark pink alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, pink sinuata statice, dusty miller, huckleberry and leatherleaf fern. Teleflora's Pink Sparkles Bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Pretty Love Vase. This
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