Pleasing Purple Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Pleasing Purple Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Purple

Eager to please! This luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and snow white lilies is a fabulously fragrant way to tickle their fancy. It's lovingly hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a gift that will keep on giving, year after year! Eager to please! This luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and snow white lilies is a fabulously fragrant way to tickle their fancy. It's lovingly hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a gift that will keep on giving, year after year! Eager to please! This luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and snow white lilies is a fabulously fragrant way to tickle their fancy. It's lovingly hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a gift that will keep on giving, year after year! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums and lavender button spray chrysanthemums are arranged with lavender limonium and pitta negra. Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube. Lavender roses, white

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