Posh Pinks Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Posh Pinks Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Price: $54.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

Show impeccable taste when you send this stylish bouquet of hot pink roses, pale pink lilies and mixed blossoms, arranged in a modern glass cube vase. Pretty, posh and perfectly high-class! Show impeccable taste when you send this stylish bouquet of hot pink roses, pale pink lilies and mixed blossoms, arranged in a modern glass cube vase. Pretty, posh and perfectly high-class! Show impeccable taste when you send this stylish bouquet of hot pink roses, pale pink lilies and mixed blossoms, arranged in a modern glass cube vase. Pretty, posh and perfectly high-class! Hot pink roses and Matsumoto asters, pink LA hybrid lilies and burgundy stock arrive in a clear glass Teleflora cube vase lined with variegated ti leaves. Hot pink roses and Matsumoto asters, pink LA hybrid lilies and burgundy stock arrive in a clear glass Teleflora cube vase lined with variegated ti leaves. Hot pink roses and Matsumoto asters, pink LA hybrid lilies and burgundy stock arrive in a clear glass Teleflora cube vase lined with variegated

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