Precious Pink Bear Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Precious Pink Bear Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Teleflora

Price: $69.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Pink

Beary sweet! Celebrate her special arrival with this precious pink and crme rose bouquet, delivered in a delightful ceramic teddy bear. Beary sweet! Celebrate her special arrival with this precious pink and crme rose bouquet, delivered in a delightful ceramic teddy bear. Beary sweet! Celebrate her special arrival with this precious pink and crme rose bouquet, delivered in a delightful ceramic teddy bear. This precious bouquet includes crme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's pink Bundle of Love Bear. This precious bouquet includes crme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's pink Bundle of Love Bear. This precious bouquet includes crme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink miniature carnations, bupleurum, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's pink Bundle of Love Bear.

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