Price: $119.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
A formal arrangement is more fun in hot pink! Presented in Teleflora's exclusive Mercury Glass Bowl, this feminine array of roses above trailing ivy has a beautiful Victorian air about it. She'll feel like a queen when she opens the door to this ravishingly royal array of roses in myriad shades of pink - stunningly presented in a classic mercury glass bowl. This stunning bouquet of pink roses beautifully arranged in a classic mercury glass bowl would be right at home in Kensington Palace. So regally romantic, it could get you "nighted." A wide range of hot pink, fuchsia and light pink roses are combined with ivy and variegated pittosporum in a vintage-style Mercury Glass Bowl. A wide range of hot pink, fuchsia and light pink roses are combined with ivy and variegated pittosporum in a vintage-style Mercury Glass Bowl. A wide range of hot pink, fuchsia and light pink roses are combined with ivy and variegated pittosporum in a vintage-style Mercury Glass Bowl. Orientation: All-Around . A wide range of hot pink,
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