Quiet Expressions | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Quiet Expressions | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $74.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Sympathy Bouquets

This lush medley of three of the most popular plants in a stylish bamboo rectangle will be a lasting reminder of your kindness and generosity. This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maindenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle. Orientation: All-Around . This mix of spathiphyllum, ivy, dracena and maindenhair fern, accented with river rocks, is delivered in a brown bamboo rectangle. Orientation: All-Around . Teleflora Quiet Expressions - Brown - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

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