Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Everything's rosy with Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy Bouquet! Make their day sparkle with this perfect pink rose bouquet and keepsake mosaic glass vase that sparkles in a shimmering soft shade of pink. Everything's rosy with Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy Bouquet! Make their day sparkle with this perfect pink rose bouquet and keepsake mosaic glass vase that sparkles in a shimmering soft shade of pink. Everything's rosy with Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy Bouquet! Make their day sparkle with this perfect pink rose bouquet and keepsake mosaic glass vase that sparkles in a shimmering soft shade of pink. This arrangement features pink roses, hot pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations, lavender button spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. This fresh bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy cylinder. This arrangement features pink roses, hot pink spray roses, miniature pink carnations, lavender button spray chrysanthemums, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. This fresh bouquet is delivered in
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