Rose Revelry Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Rose Revelry Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $54.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Multi-Colored

Revel in the crisp, classic color scheme of pristine white lilies and radiant red roses, presented in a cobalt-hued, frosted glass jar. Revel in the crisp, classic color scheme of pristine white lilies and radiant red roses, presented in a cobalt-hued, frosted glass jar. Revel in the crisp, classic color scheme of pristine white lilies and radiant red roses, presented in a cobalt-hued, frosted glass jar. White asiatic lilies, red roses, red alstroemeria, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice and misty blue limonium are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in Teleflora's Savannah Jar. White asiatic lilies, red roses, red alstroemeria, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice and misty blue limonium are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in Teleflora's Savannah Jar. White asiatic lilies, red roses, red alstroemeria, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice and misty blue limonium are accented with dusty miller and

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