Rose Tribute | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Rose Tribute | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Price: $139.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Red

As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute. As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute. As true as the love symbolized by a red, red rose are the heartfelt memories and deep feelings embraced with this classic and elegant expression of tribute. Two dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. Three dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. Four dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. Orientation: One-Sided . Two dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. Three dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive Noble Heritage Urn. Four dozen red roses, accented by salal, are presented in an exclusive

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