Roses And Pearls Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Roses And Pearls Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Red | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Red

She'll be delighted when she receives this gorgeous array of roses, lilies and more artistically arranged in a dazzling pink reflections vase. It's a gorgeous gift that she'll love now and cherish forever. The doorbell rings. When she opens the door and sees this spectacular array of roses and lilies, her eyes will sparkle like the dazzling pink reflections vase that holds them. The doorbell rings. When she opens the door and sees this spectacular array of roses and lilies, her eyes will sparkle like the dazzling pink reflections vase that holds them. This gorgeous bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive pink reflections vase. This gorgeous bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, pink carnations and pink miniature carnations accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive pink reflections

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