Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Rosy, radiant and perfectly posh! Teleflora's Rosy Pink Bouquet with a fabulously feminine arrangement in a pearlescent pink glass vase with sculpted details is the perfect surprise. Rosy, radiant and perfectly posh! Teleflora's Rosy Pink Bouquet with a fabulously feminine arrangement in a pearlescent pink glass vase with sculpted details is the perfect surprise. Rosy, radiant and perfectly posh! Teleflora's Rosy Pink Bouquet with a fabulously feminine arrangement in a pearlescent pink glass vase with sculpted details is the perfect surprise. Pink roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, lavender button spray chrysanthemums and large purple monte cassino asters are arranged with dusty miller and huckleberry. This sweet bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Rosy Pink vase. Pink roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, miniature hot pink carnations, lavender button spray chrysanthemums and large purple monte cassino asters are arranged with dusty miller and huckleberry. This
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