Price: $59.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Pink
Illuminate love with Teleflora's Alluring Mosaic cylinder, embracing soft pastel shimmer and cradling an exquisite bouquet of vibrant pink flowers, a timeless expression of artistic beauty for any occasion. Illuminate love with Teleflora's Alluring Mosaic cylinder, embracing soft pastel shimmer and cradling an exquisite bouquet of vibrant pink flowers, a timeless expression of artistic beauty for any occasion. Illuminate love with Teleflora's Alluring Mosaic cylinder, embracing soft pastel shimmer and cradling an exquisite bouquet of vibrant pink flowers, a timeless expression of artistic beauty for any occasion. Embrace enchantment with Teleflora's Rosy Skies Bouquet, a delicate bouquet of light pink roses, crme spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, miniature pink carnations, and parvifolia eucalyptus, all in Teleflora's Alluring Mosaic cylinder which makes a radiant gift for any celebration. Embrace enchantment with Teleflora's Rosy Skies Bouquet, a delicate bouquet of light pink roses, crme spray roses,
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