Snowy Oasis Tree | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Snowy Oasis Tree | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $109.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

Embrace the spirit of the holidays with this hand-painted stoneware serving dish, adorned with delicate snowflakes to beautifully showcase a festive floral tree for many Christmases to come. Embrace the spirit of the holidays with this hand-painted stoneware serving dish, adorned with delicate snowflakes to beautifully showcase a festive floral tree for many Christmases to come. Embrace the spirit of the holidays with this hand-painted stoneware serving dish, adorned with delicate snowflakes to beautifully showcase a festive floral tree for many Christmases to come. Teleflora's Snowy Oasis Tree features white roses, white spray roses, and miniature white carnations, alongside oregonia and douglas fir. It is elegantly presented in Teleflora's Snowflake Symphony Dish, creating a serene and festive white floral arrangement. Teleflora's Snowy Oasis Tree features white roses, white spray roses, and miniature white carnations, alongside oregonia and douglas fir. It is elegantly presented in Teleflora's Snowflake

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