Starry Snowflakes Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Starry Snowflakes Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $74.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

Create unforgettable holiday memories with this special delivery of classic Christmas roses, elegantly presented in a hand-painted, distressed serving dish centerpiece adorned with a charming snowflake design. Perfectly food-safe, it adds a festive touch to your seasonal celebrations. Create unforgettable holiday memories with this special delivery of classic Christmas roses, elegantly presented in a hand-painted, distressed serving dish centerpiece adorned with a charming snowflake design. Perfectly food-safe, it adds a festive touch to your seasonal celebrations. Create unforgettable holiday memories with this special delivery of classic Christmas roses, elegantly presented in a hand-painted, distressed serving dish centerpiece adorned with a charming snowflake design. Perfectly food-safe, it adds a festive touch to your seasonal celebrations. Teleflora's Starry Snowflake Centerpiece showcases white roses, spray roses, and button spray chrysanthemums, accented with sinuata statice and gypsophila. Designed

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