Price: $154.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Orange
It will be warm day in Love Land when you surprise your lady with this ravishing array of orange, light orange and dark orange roses in a sparkling flared vase. With these fabulous roses - she'll definitely feel the heat. The sun will come out tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow with this blazing bouquet of orange roses. Orange, light orange and dark orange - gorgeous roses delivered in a sparkling flared glass vase. No doubt about it, this is one hot gift. This dazzling bouquet includes orange roses, light orange roses and dark orange roses accented with salal. Delivered in a flared glass vase. This spectacular bouquet includes orange roses, light orange roses and dark oranges accented with salal. Delivered in a flared glass vase. Orientation: All-Around . This dazzling bouquet includes orange roses, light orange roses and dark orange roses accented with salal. Delivered in a flared glass vase. This spectacular bouquet includes orange roses, light orange roses and dark oranges accented with salal.
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