Price: $79.99
Brand: Teleflora
Category: Sympathy Bouquets
Visions of sugar plum fairies dance to life with this magical bouquet. Lush lavenders, frosty whites and silvery greens look romantic and refreshing inside a cool cube vase. Classic and cool at the same time, this delightful array of lush lavender flowers in a dazzling mirrored silver cube makes a stylishly sweet gift. What better choice for your sweetheart? Surprise her with a beautiful bunch of love - a cute, compact bouquet of lavender flowers in a silver mirrored cube. She'll be dazzled by this classic, yet contemporary gift - and impressed by your impeccable taste. Robust roses, delicate hydrangea and feminine stock make a cool collection inside an icy, clear glass cube vase. Robust roses, delicate hydrangea and feminine stock make a cool collection inside an icy, clear glass cube vase. Robust roses, delicate hydrangea and feminine stock make a cool collection inside an icy, clear glass cube vase. Orientation: All-Around . Robust roses, delicate hydrangea and feminine stock make a cool collection inside
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