Time Together Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Time Together Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora

Price: $44.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Multi-Colored

Simply charming, this sweet lavender bouquet of asters and chrysanthemums is accented with our shimmering pink keepsake vase she'll always treasure. Simply charming, this sweet lavender bouquet of asters and chrysanthemums is accented with our shimmering pink keepsake vase she'll always treasure. Simply charming, this sweet lavender bouquet of asters and chrysanthemums is accented with our shimmering pink keepsake vase she'll always treasure. Purple monte cassino asters, lavender cushion chrysanthemums and pink daisy chrysanthemums are arranged with huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive Pink Reflections vase. Purple monte cassino asters, lavender cushion chrysanthemums and pink daisy chrysanthemums are arranged with huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive Pink Reflections vase. Purple monte cassino asters, lavender cushion chrysanthemums and pink daisy chrysanthemums are arranged with huckleberry and oregonia. Delivered in Teleflora's exclusive Pink Reflections

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Other Websites: Cyltr | Dog Food Plan