Tranquil Clouds Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Tranquil Clouds Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $59.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

Inspired by tranquil clouds, this elegant bouquet of white blooms and varying greens is perfectly arranged in a Teleflora Exclusive, the Classic Contemporary Planter. Inspired by tranquil clouds, this elegant bouquet of white blooms and varying greens is perfectly arranged in a Teleflora Exclusive, the Classic Contemporary Planter. Inspired by tranquil clouds, this elegant bouquet of white blooms and varying greens is perfectly arranged in a Teleflora Exclusive, the Classic Contemporary Planter. White roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemum, white button spray chrysanthemum, and a succulent are accented with dusty miller, leather leaf, and eucalyptus. The bouquet is delivered in a Teleflora's Classic Contemporary Planter. White roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemum, white button spray chrysanthemum, and a succulent are accented with dusty miller, leather leaf, and eucalyptus. The bouquet is delivered in a Teleflora's Classic Contemporary Planter. White roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemum, white

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