Written In The Stars Bouquet | Lilies | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Written In The Stars Bouquet | Lilies | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $54.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: Sympathy Bouquets

Echoing a romantic night sky, this classic arrangement of silver and white is perfect for a silver anniversary or any special star in your life. Fragrant snow-white lilies and a stunning mercury glass-style keepsake vase invite your lucky someone to wish upon a star! Snowy white asiatic lilies and waxflower artistically arranged in a classic mercury glass antique vase - it's a gift she'll remember for a long, long time. She may say "You shouldn't have" when she sees this breathtaking bouquet. But she won't mean it. She'll adore the fragrant white asiatic lilies and waxflower showcased in a mercury class antique vase she'll cherish forever. Yes, you definitely should. Striking white asiatic lilies and delicate white waxflowers.Hand-arranged in an eye-catching Mercury Glass Antique vase, exclusively from Teleflora. Striking white asiatic lilies and delicate white waxflowers.Hand-arranged in an eye-catching Mercury Glass Antique vase, exclusively from Teleflora. Striking white asiatic lilies and delicate white

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